
IntroductionHello. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you find it interesting and go away with a smile on your face. Life is too short to over-analyse stuff – so if I’ve slipped up in any shape or form, forgive me (and yourself :-)) and let’s start again.

I’m a mom of three girls currently two of whom are in their teens with the eldest just crossed out of the teen hormone zone. The remaining young ones are still battling with the world and all it can throw at them with the joys of youth. I am also engaged in a full-time position at one of London’s universities as a personal assistant. I have a wonderful man by my side who I truly believe is the gift the Universe kept for me for my mature years. I love him to bits. I also have wonderful siblings, who spoil me rotten and put up with so much of my dramas. I couldn’t ask for better siblings and thank both my parents for sharing with me such gifts. Whilst my mom and dad separated years back, they’ve never divorced. Mom has been living with me in London since I had my last child that she is counted as part of the nuclear family. Dad is still in Uganda with his second family… or is it 3rd? Anyway, he seems happy and at the end of the day, that’s all one would wish for anyone.

My reasons for blogging vary so much so that right now, I can reel off and say it’s because I’m in to all things to do with raising awareness in health issues and that I want to set up a health clinic in my native Uganda to retire to. Truth is, although that is definitely a factor, I blog because I enjoy writing down opinions on what I observe and mull over ideas in my writing to see how they pan out. Consistency is a huge challenge currently though…This could be about fleeting general issues in society to mundane family issues although I try to limit these out of respecting my family members privacy. In all, I think the challenges life has thrown my way have given me a somewhat odd way of looking at stuff which at times even to me upon reading back seem alien if not far-fetched. However, it’s all true, no fiction! Sometimes I think whoever created us definitely had a sense of humour and for his/her sanity had to make sure to keep a safe distance between us all.

You see…once I started I’m like a sewing machine. I hope I make sense? oh well…does life make sense at first inception to a new-born? Let’s get to know each other and feel free to poke me back on track :-)xx
Ohhh it’s World Mosquitoe Day today. Now why would anyone honour this little pests with such a date? Eitherway – please spare a thought for all those working on finding a cure to stem malaria in parts of the world such as Uganda.

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